Dark Spring Flowers
flower parade in town today. I’m thinking it’ll look something like this. 😉
I’m pretty sure it’s just Emilie Simon being awesome. Happy February!
Story Time with Miss Etta
I’m not sure anyone has ever thought of me as their number one pick for babysitter; except perhaps for little Miss Starwort’s mother. This is how I found myself today, after shoppe hours, sitting with a slightly strange and precocious little girl named Seaweed. She was kind enough to show me how to make dark chocolate black tea with mint leafs on top. She wore me out with her incredible knowledge of the underbelly of the town. Fairies to brownies, to some grumpy little creature she called Stutter Cob. When I thought she would run out the warranty on my ears, she happily plopped down onto my comfy couch and asked me to tell her an Etta story. I warned her that my stories could be a tad dark. This only excited her more. Given this was my first time babysitting, I opted to meet her half way. So as the snow fell lazily outside, I borrowed a tale from Harry Potter to test the waters. She hung on every word. Perhaps the next time she comes over I’ll actually share one of my own stories.