Society Blog
Oracles and Flutter Byes
Miss Blue has become to finalize our Orange Moon Oracle and given it its final title. 🙂
“Alright, I’ve finally jumped into the oracle pool feet first. I should have plugged my nose! I think I have purple water on the brain. That aside, I’ve been finishing up on my second oracle deck. It’s expanded a bit, developed a deeper personality and meaning, and its whispers are getting a little louder. That’s how it starts for me typically. This deck is a chatterer. It’s telling me stories about who my oracles are and what I might find them to be. I updated the info on its page found here.” – Bethalynne
Wednesday Wallpapers – Happy May!
Dark Spring Flowers
flower parade in town today. I’m thinking it’ll look something like this. 😉
Here we are again!
Wednesday Wallpapers – Green Tea
Upcoming Tea Bats Sale
Your Very Own Tea Cup Chandelier
Here’s a fun project for fans of tea cups and DIY Pop over here to see a step by step guide to create your own tea themed chandelier!
Drink from the Tardis
There is an obsessive Dr. Who fan or two among the our society gals, so this is awesome! The tea defuser is no longer available, but the Tardis mug can be picked up from ThinkGeek.